The research department is in charge of the product design, the processes of manufacturing, the quality monitoring of products and the establishment of certification reports, in particular for the wind energy.
The research department is equipped with CAD software and with a calculation software specially developed by the ONERA (National Office for Studies and Aeronautical Research) which allows to calculate the dimensions of the wind blades structure.
ATV has developed a specific impregnation machine that allows the manufacturing of different pre-impregned or dry layers of carbon or glass fiber,
Up to 2001, the strategy was to keep the result of our development at home but, with the capacity of our machines, and the needs expressed by some of our clients, we have decided to put into the market, in a confidential way, our pre-impregned fibers and unidirectional dry layers and we also supply our colleagues.
The One-shot process
This method of manufacture is inspired by the techniques used for the manufacture of windsurf boards. A polystyrene foam shaped to the piece geometry is used as a core of the piece. A composite skin covers this core and stiffening spar webs are included in the piece, all in one unique operation.
The aim of the process is to manufacture the pieces in only one operation, in opposition to the traditional method (production of 2 half pieces and 1 shear web bonded together).
In addition to the production time saving, produced pieces are also lighter and cheaper because they are glue-free.
This kind of technique requires the production of adapted molds, resistant to being put under pressure (about 2 bars). The production in series also requires an automatic cutting machine of polystyrene cores, that ATV developed in 1992.
Associated with the use of carbon fiber and epoxy resin, the One Shot technique lets ATV make technical parts lighter and stiffer, at a competitive price.